Sumner County (TN) Middle School Football

2023 Sumner County

Football Schedule


The Championship game will have the East division winner versus the West division winner.

The game will be played on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023 at Liberty Creek High School.


Week 1
Date Time Away Score Home
Aug. 3 6:00 pm Winfree-Bryant 12 - 34 Hunter
Aug. 8 6:00 pm Rucker 18 - 6 Hawkins
Aug. 8 6:00 pm Knox-Doss 8 - 0 Shafer
Aug. 8 6:00 pm White House 14 - 6 Portland East
Aug. 8 6:00 pm Portland West 0 - 23 Station Camp
Aug. 8 6:00 pm Ellis 12 - 6 Liberty Creek


Week 2
Date Time Away Score Home
Aug. 15 6:00 pm Mt. Juliet 36 - 14 Ellis
Aug. 15 6:00 pm Liberty Creek 20 - 8 Shafer
Aug. 15 6:00 pm Hawkins 26 - 38 Portland East
Aug. 15 6:00 pm Hunter 30 - 6 Station Camp
Aug. 15 6:00 pm Rucker 0 - 28 Knox Doss
Aug. 15 6:00 pm Portland West 34 - 20 White House


Week 3
Date Time Away Score Home
Aug. 22 7:30 pm Shafer 38 - 0 Franklin-Simpson
Aug. 22 7:00 pm Portland East 0 - 28 Rucker
Aug. 22 7:00 pm Ellis 34 - 18 Portland West
Aug. 22 7:00 pm Hunter 36 - 6 Liberty Creek
Aug. 22 7:00 pm White House 30 - 24 Hawkins
Aug. 22 7:00 pm Station Camp 0 - 22 Knox Doss


Week 4
Date Time Away Score Home
Aug. 29 6:30 pm Portland West 20 - 0 Franklin-Simpson
Aug. 29 6:00 pm Shafer 46 - 22 Portland East
Aug. 29 6:00 pm White House 8 - 27 Station Camp
Aug. 29 6:00 pm Hunter 20 - 6 Hawkins
Aug. 29 6:00 pm Knox Doss 12 - 10 Ellis
Aug. 29 6:00 pm Liberty Creek 24 - 18 Rucker


Week 5
Date Time Away Score Home
Sept. 5 6:00 pm Station Camp 21 - 14 Shafer
Sept. 5 6:00 pm Rucker 18 - 0 Portland West
Sept. 5 6:00 pm Portland East 14 - 44 Liberty Creek
Sept. 5 6:00 pm Ellis 0 - 20 Hunter
Sept. 5 6:00 pm White House 8 - 36 Knox Doss
Sept. 5 6:00 pm Walter J. Baird 14 - 28 Hawkins


Week 6
Date Time Away Score Home
Sept. 12 6:00 pm Portland West 44 - 30 Shafer
Sept. 12 6:00 pm Station Camp 43 - 6 Portland East
Sept. 12 6:00 pm Hawkins 38 - 36 Liberty Creek
Sept. 12 6:00 pm White House 8 - 30 Ellis
Sept. 12 6:00 pm Hunter 38 - 6 Rucker
Sept. 12 Knox Doss Open


Week 7
Date Time Away Score Home
Sept. 19 6:00 pm Portland East 18 - 42 East Robertson
Sept. 19 6:00 pm Station Camp 35 - 0 Rucker
Sept. 19 6:00 pm Liberty Creek 30 - 8 Portland West
Sept. 19 6:00 pm Shafer 12 - 35 Ellis
Sept. 19 6:00 pm Hawkins 32 - 36 Knox Doss
Sept. 19 6:00 pm Hunter 34 - 0 White House


Week 8
Date Time Away Score Home
Sept. 26 6:30 pm Shafer 16 - 6 Rucker
Sept. 26 6:30 pm Portland East 28 - 54 Portland West
Sept. 26 6:00 pm Liberty Creek 12 - 14 Station Camp
Sept. 26 6:00 pm Hawkins 26 - 14 Ellis
Sept. 26 6:00 pm Knox Doss 22 - 42 Hunter
Sept. 26 6:00 pm Franklin-Simpson 8 - 40 White House